===Day of the Week from DATE$ as day name=== A small wrapper function for Quazee137's tiny Day Of The week function. Takes a date string as dd-mm-yyyy e.g. that returned by DATE$ or LEFT$(Humantime$(x,0),10) and returns the day name. ===Beware the date format must be dd-mm-yyyy, no error checking is performed.=== ===Syntax:=== DoWDay$(date_str$) ===Example Usage:=== Day$=DoWDay$("20-08-1995") ===Dependencies:=== * [[Compact_Quick_Day_Of_Week_function_with_historical_capability|Compact Quick Day Of Week function with historical capability]]\\ Function DoWDay$(dd$) Select Case DayOfWeek(val(mid$(dd$,7,4)),val(mid$(dd$,4,2)),val(left$(dd$,2))) Case 0:DoWDay$="Sun" Case 1:DoWDay$="Mon" Case 2:DoWDay$="Tue" Case 3:DoWDay$="Wed" Case 4:DoWDay$="Thu" Case 5:DoWDay$="Fri" Case 6:DoWDay$="Sat" End Select End Function