===URL DECODE Function === Decodes the query part of a URL string. URL encoding is used when placing text in a query string to avoid it being confused with the URL itself. It is normally used when the browser sends form data to a web server as part of the URI - as part of the "web address" (GET method). **Syntax**: URLDecode$(expression) **Example**: realURL$=URLDecode$(RecdURL) **Code**: FUNCTION URLDecode$(a$) LOCAL INTEGER z LOCAL STRING b$,c$ z=1 DO z=INSTR(z,a$,"%") IF z=0 OR z=LEN(a$) THEN EXIT DO b$=MID$(a$,z,3) c$=CHR$(VAL("&h"+MID$(b$,2))) a$=Replace$(a$,b$,c$) END IF LOOP URLDecode$=a$ END FUNCTION