==== CMM2 Colour Maximite 2 ==== This page is the start of the CMM2 zone - something interesting and insightful will no doubt appear here soon. Some example code and full programs, perhaps. The CMM2 has a page at [[https://geoffg.net/maximite.html]] and you can download the manuals there. There's an additional manual on the forum, [[http://www.thebackshed.com/forum/ViewTopic.php?FID=16&TID=12482#151766|Graphics Programming on the CMM2 _v1.0e]]\\ Some more pages: There are some examples in the forum thread at [[https://www.thebackshed.com/forum/ViewTopic.php?FID=16&TID=12378&LastEntry=Y#150791|https://www.thebackshed.com/forum/ViewTopic.php?FID=16&TID=12378&LastEntry=Y#150791]]\\ [[Example_games_and_other_programs|Example games and other programs]]\\ [[Efficient_code_for_the_CMM2|Efficient code for the CMM2]]\\ [[Converting_older_MMBASIC_programs|Converting older MMBASIC programs]]\\ [[CMM2_Keyboard_compatibility|CMM2 Keyboard compatibility]]\\