===MaxMan=== {{ :migratedattachments:mmbasic_original:maxman.zip?linkonly}} //This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.// **MAXMAN.BAS**: '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '* * '* - M A X M A N v1.2 - * '* * '* For the Maximite Computer by * '* * '* Nickolas Marentes * '* * '* April 2012 EMAIL:nickma(at)optusnet.com.au * '* * '* * '* * '* START GAME = Any key for Keyboard control * '* = Joy button for Joystick control * '* MOVE MAXMAN = Cursor Keys or Joystick * '* PAUSE GAME = Spacebar * '* ABORT GAME = ESC * '* * '* Extra life awarded at 10000 points * '* * '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mode 1 Data 4,3,23,27,23,3,4,27,1 Data 23,27,23,3,4,27,4,3,1 Data 23,3,4,27,4,3,23,27,1 Data 4,27,4,3,23,27,23,3,0 'JOYSTICK SELECT Cls:wii=2 Print@(188,60)"-- M A X M A N --":Print@(213,80)"Version 1.1" Line(160,110)-(325,230),1,b:Line(160,110)-(325,138),1,bf:Sound 400,50 Print@(177,120,2)"JOYSTICK CONFIGURATION" Print@(165,150)"[1] - Atari Joystick" Print@(165,170)"[2] - Wii Nunchuk (100khz)" Print@(165,190)"[3] - Wii Nunchuk (400khz)" Print@(165,210)"[4] - No Joystick" Print@(114,300)"Some Wii Nunchuks do not operate at 400khz" Print@(106,320)"Game runs slower when using Nunchuk at 100khz" JOYSET: k$=Inkey$ If k$="2" Or k$="3" Then wii=1 If k$="1" Or k$="4" Then wii=0 If wii=2 Then GoTo JOYSET Sound 200,50 'INITIALIZATION Cls Font Load "MAXMAN.FNT" As #6 Open"HISCORE.DAT"For INPUT As#1:Input#1,hiscore:Close#1 For x=11 To 15:SetPin x,2:Next If wii=0 Then GoTo STARTLEVEL 'INITIALIZE Wii NUNCHUCK (I2C on Pins 12 & 13) Dim nun(6) If k$="2" Then I2CEN 10,100 Else I2CEN 400,100 I2CSEND &h52,0,2,&hF0,&h55 I2CSEND &h52,0,2,&hFB,&h00 STARTLEVEL: Line(7,9)-(160,127),0,bf:Line(175,9)-(328,127),0,bf Line(7,275)-(327,337),0,bf:Line(7,359)-(328,421),0,bf Line(31,335)-(304,360),0,bf:Line(67,65)-(268,277),0,bf Line(3,191)-(332,211),0,bf:Line(400,305)-(470,413),0,bf Font Load "SCREEN.FNT" As #5:Font #5:c=97 For y=1 To 385 Step 64:For x=0 To 240 Step 240 Print@(x,y)Chr$(c);:c=c+1:Next:Next Font #6:Font unload #5 Dim m(27,30,3):Dim g(4,4):Dim t(4,2) 'Load Map/Dot array For x=1 To 26:For y=1 To 29 If Pixel(x*12+4,y*14+5)=1 Then m(x,y,1)=1 If Pixel(x*12+5,y*14+5)=1 Then m(x,y,2)=1 Pixel(x*12+4,y*14+5)=0:Next y,x 'Start or Continue level If status=1 Then GoTo START If sc>hiscore Then hiscore=sc:Open"HISCORE.DAT"For output As#1:Print#1,hiscore:Close#1 sc=0:dotcnt=0:level=1:lives=3:q2=93:xt=10000:GoSub BOXCLS Font#2:Print@(393,310)sc:Print@(393,337)hiscore:Print@(393,365)level:Font#6 CLRKBUFF: If Inkey$<>"" Then GoTo CLRKBUFF PROMPT: Font#2:Timer=0:Print@(129,183,5)"INSERT":Print@(143,205,5)"COIN" COIN: k$=Inkey$ If k$<>"" Then v=0:GoTo GO If wii=1 Then GoTo J1 If Pin(15)=0 Then v=1:GoTo GO If Timer>300 Then GoTo PROMPT Else GoTo COIN J1: I2CSEND &h52,0,1,0 I2CRCV &h52,0,6,nun(0) 'PRINT@(0,0)nun(1)" " If (nun(5) And 1)=0 Then v=2:GoTo GO If Timer>300 Then GoTo PROMPT Else GoTo COIN GO: GoSub BOXCLS:Sound 300,100:Pause 50:Sound 200,50 Font#2:Print@(149,182)"GET":Print@(137,204)"READY" Pause 3000:GoSub BOXCLS:status=1 'Initialize Level Start variables START: Font#2:Print@(393,310)sc:Print@(393,337)hiscore:Print@(393,365)level:Font#6 px=166:py=327:pd=1:cd=1:pc=99:a=1:gscore=1:q1=1400:Line (400,395)-(460,405),0,bf For x=1 To 4:g(x,1)=166:g(x,2)=201:g(x,3)=3:g(x,4)=x*100+50:Next ST1: If lives>a Then Line(400+a*8,395)-(403+a*8,405),1,bf:a=a+1:GoTo ST1 'Main Game Loop MAINLOOP: Timer=0 pxd=Int((px-4)/12):pxx=pxd:If ((px-4)/12)-pxd<>0 Then pxd=0 pyd=Int((py-5)/14):pyy=pyd:If ((py-5)/14)-pyd<>0 Then pyd=0 If gmode=0 Then GoTo TARGET pwrcnt=pwrcnt-1 If pwrcnt=0 Then gmode=0:gscore=1 GoTo CAUGHT TARGET: If Rnd*1000 Then tc=tc-1:GoTo CAUGHT tc=400 If tflag=0 Then Restore For a=1 To 4:Read t(a,1),t(a,2):Next:Read tflag CAUGHT: If hflag=0 Or gmode=1 Then GoTo CONTROL Locate px-8,py-9 If hflag=1 Then GoSub BOXCLS If hflag<38 Then Print Chr$(hflag/4+79);:Sound 200-hflag*2,10 If hflag>38 Then Print Chr$(97); If hflag=45 Then Sound 150,35:Pause 170:Sound 150,35 hflag=hflag+1 If hflag<100 Then GoTo GHOSTS hflag=0:hit=0:lives=lives-1 For n=1 To 4:g(n,1)=166:g(n,2)=201:g(n,3)=3:g(n,4)=n*150+100:Next If lives>0 Then GoTo START For x=1 To 87:Line(167-x,200)-(167+x,202),1,bf:Sound x*4+50,10:Pause 5:Next For y=1 To 32:Line(80,200-y)-(254,202+y),1,b:Sound Rnd*300+50,10:Pause 10:Next Font#2:Print@(110,192,2)"GAME OVER":Pause 5000:status=0:Sound 100,100 Erase m,g,t:GoTo STARTLEVEL 'SCAN SELECTED CONTROLLER CONTROL: k=Asc(Inkey$) If k=32 Then GoSub PAUSEGAME If k=27 Then status=0:Erase m,g,t:GoTo STARTLEVEL If v=0 Then GoTo KEYSCAN If v=2 Then GoTo NUNCHUCK ATARI: If Pin(13)=0 Then cd=1:k=130 If Pin(14)=0 Then cd=2:k=131 If Pin(11)=0 Then cd=3:k=128 If Pin(12)=0 Then cd=4:k=129 On pd GoTo PLEFT,PRIGHT,PUP,PDOWN NUNCHUCK: I2CSEND &h52,0,1,0 I2CRCV &h52,0,6,nun(0) If nun(0)<85 Then cd=1:k=130 If nun(0)>170 Then cd=2:k=131 If nun(1)>170 Then cd=3:k=128 If nun(1)<85 Then cd=4:k=129 On pd GoTo PLEFT,PRIGHT,PUP,PDOWN KEYSCAN: If k=130 Then cd=1 If k=131 Then cd=2 If k=128 Then cd=3 If k=129 Then cd=4 On pd GoTo PLEFT,PRIGHT,PUP,PDOWN 'PROCESS PACMAN PLEFT: If k=131 Then pd=2:pc=103:GoTo P001 P004: If pxd=0 Then GoTo P002 If cd=3 And m(pxd,pyd-1,1)=1 Then pd=3:pc=107:GoTo ENDPAC If cd=4 And m(pxd,pyd+1,1)=1 Then pd=4:pc=111:GoTo ENDPAC If pxd=1 And pyd=14 Then Print@(8,192)"a":px=316:GoTo ENDPAC If m(pxd-1,pyd,1)=0 Then pc=99:GoTo ENDPAC If m(pxd-1,pyd,2)=1 Then Sound 100,20:sx=pxd-1:sy=pyd:m(sx,sy,2)=0:Line(px-12,py)-(px-11,py+1),0,b:GoSub EATDOT P002: Line (px+10,py-5)-(px+11,py+5),0,b:px=px-2 P003: pc=pc+.25:If pc>101 Then pc=98 GoTo ENDPAC PRIGHT: If k=130 Then pd=1:pc=99:GoTo P004 P001: If pxd=0 Then GoTo P005 If cd=3 And m(pxd,pyd-1,1)=1 Then pd=3:pc=107:GoTo ENDPAC If cd=4 And m(pxd,pyd+1,1)=1 Then pd=4:pc=111:GoTo ENDPAC If pxd=26 And pyd=14 Then Print@(308,192)"a":px=16:GoTo ENDPAC If m(pxd+1,pyd,1)=0 Then pc=103:GoTo ENDPAC If m(pxd+1,pyd,2)=1 Then Sound 100,20:sx=pxd+1:sy=pyd:m(sx,sy,2)=0:Line(px+13,py)-(px+14,py+1),0,b:GoSub EATDOT P005: Line (px-9,py-5)-(px-7,py+5),0,bf:px=px+2 P006: pc=pc+.25:If pc>105 Then pc=102 GoTo ENDPAC PUP: If k=129 Then pd=4:pc=111:GoTo P007 P010: If pyd=0 Then GoTo P008 If cd=1 And m(pxd-1,pyd,1)=1 Then pd=1:pc=99:GoTo ENDPAC If cd=2 And m(pxd+1,pyd,1)=1 Then pd=2:pc=103:GoTo ENDPAC If m(pxd,pyd-1,1)=0 Then pc=107:GoTo ENDPAC If m(pxd,pyd-1,2)=1 Then Sound 100,20:sx=pxd:sy=pyd-1:m(sx,sy,2)=0:Line(px+1,py-14)-(px+2,py-13),0,b:GoSub EATDOT P008: Line (px-4,py+9)-(px+7,py+11),0,bf:py=py-2 P009: pc=pc+.25:If pc>109 Then pc=106 GoTo ENDPAC PDOWN: If k=128 Then pd=3:pc=107:GoTo P010 P007: If pyd=0 Then GoTo P011 If cd=1 And m(pxd-1,pyd,1)=1 Then pd=1:pc=99:GoTo ENDPAC If cd=2 And m(pxd+1,pyd,1)=1 Then pd=2:pc=103:GoTo ENDPAC If m(pxd,pyd+1,1)=0 Then pc=111:GoTo ENDPAC If m(pxd,pyd+1,2)=1 Then Sound 100,20:sx=pxd:sy=pyd+1:m(sx,sy,2)=0:Line(px+1,py+14)-(px+2,py+15),0,b:GoSub EATDOT P011: Line (px-4,py-10)-(px+7,py-8),0,bf:py=py+2 P012: pc=pc+.25:If pc>113 Then pc=110 ENDPAC: Print@(px-8,py-9)Chr$(pc); 'PROCESS GHOSTS GHOSTS: If gmode=1 Then GoTo GMODE1 GMODE0: z=2 For n=1 To 4 gx=Fix((g(n,1)-4)/12):dx=gx:If ((g(n,1)-4)/12)-gx<>0 Then gx=0 gy=Fix((g(n,2)-5)/14):dy=gy:If ((g(n,2)-5)/14)-gy<>0 Then gy=0 Locate g(n,1)-8,g(n,2)-9 If hflag>0 And g(n,4)>0 Then g(n,4)=100 If g(n,4)>0 Then GoTo GREGEN If hflag=2 Then Line(g(n,1)-9,g(n,2)-10)-(g(n,1)+12,g(n,2)+11),0,bf:GoTo GM0 If hflag<>0 Then GoTo GM0 Print Chr$(g(n,3)+113); GM0: On g(n,3) GoTo GLEFT,GRIGHT,GUP,GDOWN GMODE1: z=z Xor 2 For n=1 To 4 gx=Fix((g(n,1)-4)/12):dx=gx:If ((g(n,1)-4)/12)-gx<>0 Then gx=0 gy=Fix((g(n,2)-5)/14):dy=gy:If ((g(n,2)-5)/14)-gy<>0 Then gy=0 If dx0 And g(n,4)>0 Then g(n,4)=100 If g(n,4)>0 Then GoTo GREGEN If hflag=2 Then Line(g(n,1)-9,g(n,2)-10)-(g(n,1)+12,g(n,2)+11),0,bf:GoTo GM1 If hflag<>0 Then GoTo GM1 If pwrcnt<85 And z=0 Then Print Chr$(119); Else Print Chr$(118); GM1: On g(n,3) GoTo GLEFT,GRIGHT,GUP,GDOWN GREGEN: If gmode=1 And g(n,4)>83 Then g(n,4)=g(n,4)+1 g(n,4)=g(n,4)-1:Line(156,172)-(180,172),1 If g(n,4)=0 Or g(n,4)=43 Then g(n,3)=Int(Rnd*2)+1:GoSub BOXCLS:GoTo GM1 If g(n,4)<43 Then g(n,2)=g(n,2)-1:Print Chr$(116):GoTo LOOPEND Print@(110+n*19,191)Chr$(116+f):GoTo LOOPEND GUP: If hflag=0 Then Line(g(n,1)-8,g(n,2)+10)-(g(n,1)+11,g(n,2)+11),0,b If m(dx,dy+1,2)=1 Then x=dx*12+5:y=(dy+1)*14+5:Line (x,y)-(x+1,y+1),1,b GU2: If gy=0 Then g(n,2)=g(n,2)-z:GoTo LOOPEND If gmode=1 Then GoTo GU1 If gx=pxx Then t(n,1)=pxx:t(n,2)=pyy:GoTo GU1 If gx>t(n,1) And m(gx-1,gy,1)=1 Then g(n,3)=1:gx=0:GoTo GL2 If gxt(n,1) And m(gx-1,gy,1)=1 Then g(n,3)=1:gx=0:GoTo GL2 If gxt(n,2) And m(gx,gy-1,1)=1 Then g(n,3)=3:gy=0:GoTo GU2 If gyt(n,2) And m(gx,gy-1,1)=1 Then g(n,3)=3:gy=0:GoTo GU2 If gypx-9 And g(n,1)py-9 And g(n,2)1000 And px=162 And py=243 Then GoSub BONUSSND:s=500:GoSub SCORE:q1=1300 q1=q1+1 If q1>1000 Then Print@(157,234)Chr$(Fix(q2)):q2=q2+.25:If q2=97 Then q2=93 If q1>1300 Then q1=0:Print@(157,234)Chr$(97) If dotcnt=244 Then Pause 2000:dotcnt=0:level=level+1:Erase m,g,t:GoTo STARTLEVEL POWER: i=i+1:If i=20 Then i=0:f=f Xor 1 If m(1,3,2)=1 Then Line(16,46)-(19,49),f,b If m(26,3,2)=1 Then Line(316,46)-(319,49),f,b If m(1,23,2)=1 Then Line(16,326)-(19,329),f,b If m(26,23,2)=1 Then Line(316,326)-(319,329),f,b If gmode=0 And hflag=0 And hit=1 Then Print@(px-8,py-9)Chr$(98):Pause 1000:hflag=1 WAIT: If Timer<30 Then GoTo WAIT GoTo MAINLOOP EATME: If gmode=0 Then hit=1:Return Print@(px-8,py-9)Chr$(gscore+88); s=100:For a=1 To gscore:s=s*2:Next:gscore=gscore+1:GoSub SCORE For a=100 To 400 Step 50:Sound a,50:Pause 50:Next Line(g(n,1)-9,g(n,2)-10)-(g(n,1)+12,g(n,2)+11),0,bf g(n,1)=166:g(n,2)=201:g(n,3)=3:g(n,4)=150+n*30 s=gs:gs=gs*2:GoTo SCORE EATDOT: s=10:dotcnt=dotcnt+1 If sx>1 And sx<26 Then GoTo EA1 If sy<>3 And sy<>23 Then GoTo EA1 s=50:gmode=1:gs=200:pwrcnt=320-((level-1) And 3)*75:GoSub BOXCLS For a=1 To 4 If g(a,1)pxx And g(a,3)=1 Then g(a,3)=2:GoTo EA2 If g(a,2)pyy And g(a,3)=3 Then g(a,3)=4 EA2: Next EA1: Sound 80,s*3 SCORE: sc=sc+s:Font#2:Print@(392,310)sc If sca Then Line(400+a*8,395)-(403+a*8,405),1,bf:a=a+1:GoTo ST2 Font#6:Return BOXCLS: Line(129,176)-(206,227),0,bf Line(156,150)-(179,175),0,bf Line(156,172)-(180,172),1 Return BONUSSND: Font#2:Print@(149,234)"500" For a=1 To 4 For b=100 To 400 Step 15:Sound b,10:Pause 10 Next:Next Print@(149,234)" ":Return PAUSEGAME: Font#2 Print@(130,235,5)"PAUSED":Pause 250 Print@(130,235,5)"PAUSED":Pause 250 If Asc(Inkey$)<>32 Then GoTo PAUSEGAME Font#6 Return ---- **ZEROHIGH.BAS**: OPEN "HISCORE.DAT" FOR output AS #1 PRINT #1,hiscore CLOSE #1