This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.


100 PRINT "This program will print the characters received from"
110 PRINT "the keyboard (directly or connected via USB)."
120 PRINT "Use CTRL-C to exit the program."
130 '
140 DO
150   TIMER = 0             ' used to detect a group of keys
160   '
170   ' this loop will get a character from the keyboard
180   ' also it will print a blank line between groups of
190   ' characters received at high speed (ie, via USB)
200   DO
210     a$ = INKEY$         ' get the character
220     IF TIMER = 100 THEN TIMER = 101 : PRINT
230   LOOP WHILE a$ = ""
240   '
250   ' print the character in an easy to read format
260   PRINT "DECIMAL = "; FORMAT$(ASC(a$), "%3g");
270   PRINT "    ASCII = ";
280   IF a$ >= " " AND a$ <= "~" THEN PRINT a$;
290   PRINT 
300   '
310 LOOP