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Armmite H7 User Manual, Firmware and Source

This page is referenced from the Armmite H7 User Manual. - A consolidated manual for the Armmite H7.
It will be an index to relevant information and link to relevant threads on The BackShed Forum and GitHub for the latest released manual, firmware and source. FIXME

Armmite H7 Manual on GitHub
Armite H7 Firmware on GitHub
MMBasic source is available subject to the licence conditions contained within the source files.
Armmite H7 Source on GitHub

These are shown in reverse order, with the post containing the most recent release first.
ArmmiteH743 V5.07.02 betas - library,STM32H743VIT6 support and more.

mmbasic_hardware/armmite_h7_user_manual_and_firmware_links.1706496321.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/29 13:45 by gerry